【同义词辨析】 2019-10-10 国庆笔记《一些记忆小窍门part 10》
1) dedicate献身,首字母3s,也表示devotion投入,但强调solemn devotion to a serious, sacred purpose庄严神圣严肃,如dedicated her life to medical research献身医学研究
2) finish自释, 强调to complete the final step,和complete互释,因为complete意思是successful finishing,如completes the agreement完成协议
3) invaluable无价,自释implies such great worth as to make valuation all but impossible不可能估值,如a good education is invaluable无价的
4) appeal和plead两个词不辩析,appeal表示request请求或上诉,plead的意思是appeal请求,还表示认罪,如don't go, she pleaded别走,她恳求道。如she appealed to Germany for political asylum请求避难,如these topics appeal to youngsters对年轻人有吸引力
5) rack折磨,死记stresses straining or wrenching,wrench是拧to pull or twist,如a mind racked by guilt受罪恶感折磨
6) sullen闷声不乐,谐音silent ill humor,如remained sullen throughout the party整个聚会闷闷不乐
7) frail脆弱,首字母3L, implies delicate, slight structure and liability to destruction,如a once robust man now frail with illness体弱多病,part5的mirth也3L